quinta-feira, 28 de março de 2019

TGR Episode 13 - Ramblings, Fun Times, And Hot Coffee

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed all of the panels from last year's Gearbox Community Day. We're only a few days away from the huge day, and already my cockles are already tingling with excitement. That means we are just that much closer to the Borderlands 2 release and launch party. I've got a couple of good friends coming in from out of town, so I didn't really have a lot of time to put the show together this week. Enjoy though, it's mostly just ramblings and a few stories.

On today's Twisted Gamer Radio:

- The Bioshock Song
- Fez Developer Won't Fix His Game
- Things I'm Playing And Shit I'm Doing
- Fucked Up News:  Kid Has Heart Attack After Call of Duty Gaming Session
- Sound Clip Corner: I Don't Want Starbucks!

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