sábado, 7 de maio de 2022



The following is your final notification.

I got into your operating system through the Wifi modem you were connected to.
Some time ago, I gotten to the systems that you utilized to get on the internet.

All of the information from your own gadgets and devices has been quickly duplicated to my computers.

I can take advantage of all of your mobile phone messengers, social media sites, e-mail, chats, & contact list.

My virus repeatedly updates its signatures (driver type), for that reason it stays unnoticeable to anti-malware applications.

I guess right now you realize, exactly why I remained unnoticed until this current day

Whilst getting together details in regards to you, I found you're a huge follower of porn websites & more. You truly like to stop by mature sites and watch kinky video clips whilst having an ejaculation.

I've surely made a web cam recording of you jerking off.

A montage of the clip you're viewing at that time & your genital masturbation. Your facial area is distinctly obvious. I don't think this kind of content would be great for your status.

I can easily forward this video footage to every person who know who you really are.

I additionally have no challenge with rendering all your discreet info open to public on-line. I do believe you understand what I mean.

It would be a huge disaster for you.
I'll wreck your way of life for a long time.

I suspect that you seriously don't need that to happen.

Now let's fix it in such a manner: you transfer me 1300 $ (usd) via btc equivalent at the moment of exchange), & I will immediately remove all your information from my web servers.
After that, we'll disregard one another.

My btc transaction address for transfer: bc1qdp7a5ftk557c8naa72cl5hmc34f9uwpq86eetn

If you don't understand how to transmit cash & what btc is. Simply just key in the google search engine "Get Bitcoin".

I provide you with three business days to send me the cash. The time started monitoring instantly as soon as you opened up the e-mail.

I will see a message once this letter is exposed.

Don't try and look for aid, as the wallet address cannot be tracked, email the letter came from & can't be traced also & created digitally, therefore there isn't any reason for texting to me. Don't make an attempt to get hold of the police and some other security services, & if so, your own info will undoubtedly be posted.

Replacing online-passwords in social media sites, email, & gadgets won't help you, since all the info is already saved to my computers. All the best . & avoid doing anything silly. Give thought to your own future.

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