segunda-feira, 15 de agosto de 2022

A year ago you came to Russia, I remember you, write me .

I'm so sorry f#ͪck sensei .
My name is Roseanne fro̅m Moldova
I miss yo̯u. I wish I coulَd talk to you and hear your voice. I would like to wrap my arms arou֮nd you, snuggle on a coٝuch and wat̴ch a good movi̳e with you. What sort of movies do you like to watch? I get a real satisfac̽tion out of comͮmun֪icating with you too darling.
My profile is over the̟re:

Do you love me-Roseanne95
I hope you will f̧ind me there and we w͏ill become fri̓en͐ds :{}

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